Latest - NSW Government launches website to support fee free security training

There is a current need for trained and licensed Security Officers in NSW.

Certificate II in Security Operations - Receive fee-free training with an approved training provider as well as accredited infection prevention and control training.

Register your interest here

Industry Overview and Careers

It is estimated that the Australian security industry is worth over $8.5 billion dollars, comprising $4.5 billion in manpower and over $4 billion in hardware and electronics.
The industry employs over 170,000 personnel nationally and most of those are employed in two broad groups:
  • Manpower roles include bodyguard, crowd controller, gatekeeper, mobile patrol guard, security agent, security officer, loss prevention officer, concierge, etc.
  • Technician roles include security systems installers who fit and repair security systems in homes and businesses, control room operators monitoring alarm systems, or network administrators operating vast security systems.

There are also roles as a private investigator, security adviser or risk assessor.

What are my training options?

Entry level
Trade level
Advanced level

New Certificate II CPP20218, Certificate III CPP31318 in Security Operations and Certificate III CPP31418 in Close Protection Operations by State & Territory

As at 6 October 2020

These new courses are for new licence applications. Existing licence holders will not have to retrain unless there are conditions of their licence, they may have to retrain if they let their licence expire.


  • From 1 August 2020 they will only accept the new course Cert II CPP20218 for new licences.

WA Cert II CPP20218

  • From 1 April 2020 they will only accept the new course Cert III CPP31318 for new licences.

WA Cert III CPP31318

WA Cert III CPP31418 Close Protection Operations (to become a bodyguard)

In order to apply for a Security Bodyguard licence in WA you must have completed these training and modules>

There is NO pre-requisite to complete a Certificate II in Security Operations first.

If you already have your licence you do not need to retrain when you renew your licence.

Upon obtaining a Security Bodyguard Licence in WA, there is no further training to be done at future times of renewal. All security licences do however require current First Aid, therefore updated First Aid Training must be completed every 3 years. Please note that the first aid required for CPP31418 is now Advanced First Aid.

See more information here: WA Updates


Old CPP07 courses (taken from CPP20212 and CPP30411) will not be accepted after 20 January 2021. From 21 January 2020 the following new courses were available for new licences:

  • For unarmed security officers & crowd controllers licences your training must include all 14 core modules from Cert II CPP20218 listed.
  • For dog patrol security officers licence your training must include all 14 core modules from Cert II CPP20218 and 2 elective modules from Cert III CPP31318 listed.
  • For Cash transit officers licence your training must include all 14 modules from Cert II CPP20218, plus 3 elective units from Cert III CPP31318 listed.

See requirements here: QLD Security Licences (menu on left)

Existing licensees will not have to retrain, apart from the requirement for crowd controllers and/or bodyguards to complete the three ongoing training units every three years (which is a condition of their licence).

If a licence expires and the person reapplies for the same type of licence within 12 months of expiry, then the applicant is entitled to the same type of licence without the need to supply further training (section 11(2A) of the Security Providers Act 1993).

If the applicant reapplies more than 12 months after the former licence has expired, then they are required to provide evidence of completion of the required training (which can include the old training up until 20 January 2021). After 20 January 2021, if the applicant reapplies more than 12 months after the expiry of their former licence, they will need to complete the new training requirements.

QLD Cert III CPP31418 Close Protection Operations (to become a bodyguard)

The new CPP31418 Certificate III in Close Protection Operations has superseded the CPP07 training package in QLD. CPP07 will be accepted until 20 January 2021 for new applications. You do not have to retrain if you have an existing licence, however there are 3 modules that need to be updated every three years:

  • CPPSEC3101 Manage conflict and security risks through negotiation
  • CPPSEC3121 Control persons using empty hand techniques
  • HLTAID006 Provide advanced first aid.

From 21 January 2020, 8 core modules and 6 elective modules (listed in bold in the link below) from CPP31418 will need to be completed for new applications in QLD.

CPP31418 QLD Modules>

With respect to CPP31418, in accordance with the information contained on the website here, there are no entry requirements for this qualification.

As far as the Office of Fair Trading QLD is concerned, an applicant is only required to supply evidence of completion of the approved units of training taken from CPP31418, in order to meet the training requirements to obtain a bodyguard licence in QLD.


  • As of 1 July 2020 all RTOs will be delivering the new Cert II CPP20218 unarmed guard and crowd control & Cert III CPP31318 armed guard, cash in transit, combined armed guard & cash in transit, control room operator and monitoring centre operator, and close protection operations.
  • Evidence of training that has not previously been provided is valid for 12 months from the date of completion.
  • You do not need to do new training if renewing unless your licence expires or is cancelled for 12 months or more, you will have to reapply and you will have to provide new training certificates.
  • If you have been out of the industry (have not held a security licence) for more than 12 months, training qualifications or statements will not be accepted.

See more information here: VIC Training Requirements

Cert III CPP 31418 Close Protection Operations (to become a bodyguard)

The modules for Certificate III CPP31318 in Close Protection Operations required in Victoria are listed here>

As per above, you do not need to do new training if renewing unless your licence expires or is cancelled for 12 months or more, you will have to reapply and you will have to provide new training certificates.

Under the national training package there are no pre-requisites for the CPP31418 Certificate III in Close Protection Operations. Please check this with your RTO.

As at 23 September 2020 there are no renewal requirements for security licenses in Victoria. Although you do have to do HLTAID006 Provide advanced first aid to gain Certificate III CPP31318 Close Protection Operations in Victoria, there is no requirement to submit a current first aid qualification for your renewal, although it is likely to change.


They will not be accepting the old courses from 1 August 2020. Here are the new courses:

  • Cert II CPP20218

Crowd or Venue Control, General Guarding, Guarding with a Dog, Guarding with a Firearm

  • They don’t need Cert III CPP31318

For existing Security Licence holders, you do not have to do any retraining when renewing your licence.

See more information here: SA Training Qualifications

SA Cert III CPP31418 Close Protection Operations (to become a bodyguard)

To be licensed for Body Guarding in South Australia, you are required to provide evidence that you have completed a Certificate III in Close Protection (CPP31418) and the 5 units listed on this document as criteria for a licence. The 5 extra units are:

BSBFLM312 Contribute to team effectiveness

CHCCCS020 Respond to behaviours of concern

CPPSEC3102 Maintain operational safety and security of work environment

CPPSEC3104 Coordinate monitoring and control of individual and crowd behaviour

CPPSEC3106 Gather, organise and present security information and documentation

It may be a requirement of the training provider that you complete the Certificate II in Security Operations (CPP20218) prior to enrolling into this course, it would be best to contact them directly to find this out.

If the qualification requirements were to change in the future and they believed that any licence holder didn’t meet that criteria they would contact them with information to help them take any steps required to maintain their licence.

If a renewal is paid on time you aren't required to provide any evidence of refresher training upon renewal.


If you hold an existing licence you will not need to requalify to renew your security licence provided it is for the same licence subclass.

If you have obtained qualifications prior to 1 July 2020: If you have allowed your licence to expire, you can renew your licence provided it is for the same licence subclass and it has not expired for more than a continuous twelve-month period.

If you have never held a security licence but have completed your qualifications prior to 1 July 2020, you will be eligible to obtain a licence if you apply for the licence before 1 July 2021.

The qualifications for eligibility can be found in Table 8 here in the Security Industry Regulation 2003. Please note that the table reflects the superseded qualifications in Column 3 with the new qualifications reflected in Column 4. 

For all other questions and for further information please contact Access Canberra. If you have any concerns in relation to your application for a licence, please contact Access Canberra first before applying.

ACT Cert III CPP31418 Close Protection Operations (to become a bodyguard)

To act as a bodyguard in the ACT you must do Cert III CPP31418 Close Protection Operations training and have a current first aid certificate as per the licensing training requirements in the ACT Security Industry Regulation>

As long as a person does not allow their licence to lapse there are no training requirements. If they allow their licence to lapse for 12 months or more then they will need to have completed the new training to obtain a new security licence in the ACT.

We have been advised there are no pre-requisite certification courses required in order to do Cert III CPP31418 in the ACT (but please check this with your RTO before enrolling).


As at 14 September 2020 there is no date set as to when they will not accept the old course CPP20212, statements of attainment for the old CPP20212 training package are still currently being recognised, however:

New and current training for security officers and crowd controllers began 25 January 2020 and is found here: NT Security Training

Cert III CPP31318 is not part of the training offered in NT.

NT Cert III CPP31418 Close Protection Operations (to become a bodyguard)

The NT does not have that category of licence to cater for bodyguards – NT licences are limited to the description below with the exception of their recent exemption from screening officers at airports>

Private Security Act 1995

5 Crowd controllers

In this Act, a crowd controller is a person who, in respect of premises licensed under the Liquor Act 2019, a place of entertainment, a place to which the public has access or a public or private event or function, as part of his or her duties, performs the function of:

(a) controlling or monitoring the behaviour of persons;

(b) screening persons seeking entry; or

(c) removing persons because of their behaviour,

or any other prescribed function.

6 Security officers

In this Act, a security officer is a person who, for reward, patrols or guards another person's property.

*As per above new and current training for security officers and crowd controllers began 25 January 2020 and is found here: NT Security Training

*If you have the requirement to carry a fire arm – approval would need to be sought from NT Police.


Continue to accept units from the old CPP20212 and CPP30411 packages until 30 September 2020. After this date only units from the new Cert II CPP20218 and Cert III CPP31318 packages will be accepted.

If you currently hold a licence, you do not need to meet the new training requirements unless you are seeking to add new activities to your licence after 1 October 2020.

At renewal you will need to provide your current first aid certificate to obtain your licence.

There are currently no requirements to undertake a refresher course or retrain after 3 years when holding a licence in the Security industry in Tasmania. This may change in the future however current legislation does not require additional courses to be undertaken. A licence can be renewed after the 3 year period, and the normal criminal history checks will be undertaken on the receipt of a renewal application.

See more information here: TAS Training & Qualifications

TAS Cert III CPP31418 Close Protection Operations (to become a bodyguard)

As per the TAS Bodyguard Training and Qualifications: To be allowed to perform this activity the person must hold a full Security General Guarding licence, training found here AND the following qualifications: TAS Bodyguard Training and Qualifications>

At renewal you will need to provide your current advanced first aid certificate to obtain your licence, but you will not need to retrain if you renew on time unless you want to add new activities to your licence after 1 October 2020.


The new training is only for new licences, however if an existing licence is not renewed on time you will have to contact a SLED Approved Organisation to discuss options for further training.

Individuals who completed an SLC with an Approved Organisation between 1 May 2013 and 1 July 2020 but have not yet applied for a Class 1 security licence have until midnight 31 December 2020 to submit an application. Qualifications issued prior to 2 July 2020 will not be accepted for NSW Class 1 security licence applications.

Aligned to the national security training package, students who successfully complete the NSW SLC for Security Officer licence subclasses (1A Unarmed Guard and 1C Crowd Controller) will be awarded the Certificate II in Security Operations (CPP20218).

New Cert II CPP20218 and Cert III CPP31318

New course Requirements here: New Course Requirements

Students wishing to begin an SLC for a specialist licence subclass (1B, 1D or 1F) must either hold a current NSW security licence or have already completed the Certificate II in Security Operations (CPP20218).

The SLC for 1D (Guard Dog Handler) and 1F (Armed Guard) will contribute towards the attainment of a Certificate III in Security Operations (CPP31318).

NSW Cert III CPP31418 Close Protection Operations (to become a bodyguard)

Under the new Security Licence Course, the 1B ( Bodyguard) licence is a specialist subclass that requires an applicant to either provide the CPP20218 (Certificate II in Security Operations OR hold a Current Class 1 NSW Security Licence) in order to undertake training to achieve specific qualification outcomes for the specialist licence subclasses as listed on page two of the security licence New Course Requirements.

Clusters 5 to 8 are mandatory for anyone wishing to apply for a specialist subclass (namely, Bodyguard, Guard Dog Handler or Armed Guard). It is also compulsory that those wishing to apply for 1B licences also obtain HLTAID006 (Provide advanced first aid) qualifications and successfully complete Cluster 9 to apply for the licence.

Successfully completing the SLC for the speciality licence subclass 1B (Bodyguard) will result in the attainment of the Certificate III in Close Protection (CPP31418).

The new training is only for new licences, however if an existing licence is not renewed on time you will have to contact SLED to find out if you have to do the new training. The final date SLED will accept previous training is 31 December 2020.

When renewing your licence you must have a current advanced first aid certificate.


Monitoring Centre Operator Licence and Training


  • a monitoring centre operator requires a security licence. It is a security activity.
  • no "mandated" training is required to obtain a monitoring centre operator licence.
  • meeting probity is the requirement for the licence to be issued.


Some licence subclasses, like 1E, 2B and 2C, do not require any formal training, while for others you need to complete specific security licence courses. Only training qualifications obtained through SLED-Approved Organisations are acceptable for Class 1 licence applications.


A monitoring security officer uses an electronic device to watch over a property. This could be:

  • a visual recording system
  • a radio system
  • a remote alarm.

You need to hold a current licence to do this job. To become licensed, you must:

  • meet the eligibility criteria
  • fill out and lodge the application form.

You don't need a licence if you are monitoring Queensland property from interstate, provided you are licensed in the state you are based.

You don't need to do any training to apply for this licence.


If you are an interstate monitoring service operator monitoring a property in the ACT you no longer require a licence in the ACT, provided that you hold an appropriate equivalent licence in the jurisdiction you are located in. No qualifications are required for licence subclass 1E.


Monitoring Centre Operations - (Employee)
No qualification required. Relevant training to be provided by the employer.


Security Officer – Control Room/Monitoring Centre
An approved training course is no longer required for a Security Officer – Control Room/Monitoring Centre Licence. A licence is still required, however applicants only need to submit the required documents mentioned above.

TAS/NT: No specific information available.