International Security Officers' Day











Every day, security officers put themselves in harm’s way to protect the public from danger.

Yet few people ever recognise the sacrifices they make. International Security Officers' Day, which takes place on the 24th of July every year, is an opportunity to recognise and thank those people who work behind the scenes to keep us safe. 

Why July 24th?

This date was chosen specifically to represent the 24/7 nature of security work.

How do I get involved?

Celebrating International Security Officers' Day is simple. As an individual, you need only acknowledge any security officers you see on the day. Simply smile at that person and say thank you. It’s that simple!

If you run a security company, there are a range of things you can do:

  • Send an email to your staff acknowledging the day and merely thank them for their service;
  • You could organise a morning tea or make a site visit to say thank you in person;
  • If you are a company that uses security staff, a simple smile and a thank you is all it takes;
  • Send an email out to your staff asking them to participate by doing the same;
  • Download the International Security Officers' Day Thank you poster for distribution around your office or via your communications channels;
  • Post photos of your security officers being acknowledged to ASIAL's or your own Facebook page;
  • Copy the social media artwork provided, and share the #thankyousecurityofficers on your social media network.
  • Mention International Security Officers' Day in a press release.

Download the poster   Download the poster with print marks

Download social media artwork Download ISOD certificate of appreciation

International Security Officers' Day pins 2024

International Security Officers’ Day pins are available for purchase at a cost of $27.50 + GST for 10 pins (delivery in Australia only). Click here to purchase>


International Security Officers' Day Logos

Click to download

A global security industry initiative, International Security Officers' Day is now celebrated in a wide variety of counties across the world including Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, China, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Macau, India, Ireland, Italy, Singapore, Sri Lanka, United Kingdom, USA, Suriname and Thailand.

The long term goal is to build enough support around the world to petition to the United Nations to formally declare 24th July, each and every year as International Security Officers' Day to recognise the contribution made by the often nameless and unseen thousands of security officers in helping to keep us safe.

They don’t do it for the rewards, and they certainly don’t do it for public praise.

So help us say thank you and show your appreciation by supporting International Security Officers' Day by saying thank you and using #thankyousecurityofficers on social media.

Listen to the Security Insider Podcast with Jason Brown, one of the founders of International Security Officers' Day.

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